Last week, 23-year-old Edward Charles Eubanks was arraigned on charges in connection with two separate incidents in which he allegedly raped 14-year-old girls in his car. According to a news article at, Eubanks, a Muskegon resident, was charged with one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct involving sexual penetration through force or coercion, causing physical injury, and one count of third-degree CSC with a victim between 13 and 16 years old.
Eubanks has been convicted on drug charges in the past, and was charged as a fourth-time habitual offender in the rape cases. According to Timothy Maat, Chief Assistant Muskegon County Prosecutor, both of the 14-year-old girls knew Eubanks, who raped each girl after offering her a ride in his car. One of the rapes is alleged to have occurred on June 1, and the other on July 21. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for August 5; Eubanks remains in Muskegon County Jail.
First-degree criminal sexual conduct involves penetration, and is the most serious sex offense an individual may be accused of. If convicted, the defendant may face up to life in prison. Registration as a sex offender is mandatory for those found guilty of first-degree CSC.
Third-degree criminal sexual conduct also involves penetration, and is a charge given when other conditions are met, such as force or coercion, the defendant knows that the victim is incapacitated either physically or mentally, and other conditions. The criminal penalties for a conviction of third-degree CSC include up to 15 years in prison and sex offender registration, among other penalties.
Michigan sex crime defense attorneys are certainly aware that rape, child molestation, and other similar crimes do happen all too often, however there are also many occasions on which an individual who is innocent is accused of rape or sexual assault. This can result in an innocent person spending a substantial number of years or even life behind bars. Even worse in some cases is the fact that the individual will be labeled as a sex offender, and shunned by society.