
Holland Man Staying at Rescue Mission Charged with Indecent Exposure

Last week, 29-year-old Anthony Scott Currier of Holland was arrested and charged with indecent exposure by a sexually delinquent person after two incidents in the area involving exposure of his private parts, according to a news article at Police believe Currier may have exposed himself in other incidents in the area recently; he is a registered sex offender, on the registry for life following a 2005 conviction for fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct in Ottawa County. 

The most recent incidents took place between September 6th and 9th, according to reports. On September 6, Currier allegedly exposed himself near Washington Avenue and 19th Street. On the 9th, he allegedly exposed himself near Black River Public School according to the story told to police by an 11-year-old girl, although he has not been charged in the incident. Captain Jack Dykstra of Holland Police indicated that more charges may be forthcoming against Currier, who police believe is a suspect in other cases involving indecent exposure.

Holland was staying at Holland Rescue Mission most recently, according to police. He is currently held on a $200,000 bond as the investigation continues.

Indecent exposure may not seem like a serious crime when compared to other sex crimes such as child molestation or rape, however it is a serious situation – particularly when the accused is a registered sex offender, or known to be sexually delinquent. While indecent exposure is a misdemeanor offense with criminal penalties that include up to one year in jail for those convicted, the consequences could be far more serious for a registered sex offender. In fact, those who are considered sexually delinquent and who are found guilty of indecent exposure may face up to life in prison.

Unfortunately, it is easy to be falsely accused of this type of crime. This is particularly true when young people or children make accusations, which may have been coerced by adults who have their own agendas. Regardless of your situation, it is imperative that anyone accused of an offense that is sexual in nature consult with a seasoned Michigan sex crime attorney immediately. Your freedom, reputation, and future are at risk; take action now.

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