
Bay City Man Facing 34 Felony Charges After Allegedly Raping 12-year-old Buena Vista Township Girl

In December of 2012, 25-year-old Charles View was charged with 14 counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct and three counts of second-degree CSC against someone under the age of 13 after he allegedly sexually assaulted a Buena Vista Township girl 17 times. On Tuesday following the 12-year-old girl’s testimony, additional charges were added including one count of first-degree CSC, five counts of second-degree CSC, two counts of unlawful imprisonment, and nine counts of assault with intent to commit sexual penetration. In all, View now faces 34 felony charges.

View previously lived in Buena Vista Township, where he allegedly committed the crimes against the victim during 2012. He remains in the Saginaw County Jail, where he is being held without bond. In his December arraignment, a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf by Saginaw County Chief District Judge M. Randall Jurrens.

Prosecutors requested the additional charges against View on Tuesday; Saginaw County District Judge A.T. Frank granted their request and View will now face trial on all 34 felony charges.

Michigan sex crime defense attorneys understand that the charges against View are extremely serious. Without an experienced and aggressive lawyer to provide a strong and effective defense, he will likely face many years and possibly life in prison. Being convicted on sexual assault or rape charges almost inevitably results in a lifetime of punishment, as even those who serve prison time and are released are typically labeled as ‘sex offenders’ for life, and required to register with the Michigan Public Sex Offender Registry.

Individuals who have been accused of rape, child molestation, sexual assault or other similar criminal offenses must consult with a skilled and capable Michigan sex crimes lawyer who will work vigorously on your behalf to protect your freedom, legal rights, and reputation.

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