
38-year-old Kent County Man Pleads Guilty to Two Counts of Second-Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct

Last month, we wrote about David Harold Fricke, a 38-year-old Kent County man who had been charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct in the alleged sexual assault of a 9-year-old girl in November of 2013. Now, Fricke has pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct, a move that will not only prevent the young victim from having to testify, but likely result in reduced prison time for Fricke.

According to a news article at, Fricke initially told police that the girl was responsible for the sexual contact, and that she approached him while he was taking a shower. Now, he admits that he initiated the contact with the girl, touching her breasts and buttocks at his home. Had Fricke gone to trial and been convicted of first-degree CSC, he would have faced a minimum of 25 years in prison. Now, he will face up to 15 years in prison.

While the alleged victim claims there were four occasions on which she was assaulted, no more charges will be filed according to Assistant Kent County Prosecutor Robin Esslinger, as it was agreed as part of the plea deal that no additional charges would be filed in connection with this victim.

Fricke is scheduled to be sentenced on November 24, and until that time remains in jail without bond.

When an individual is accused of a sex crime, it is to his or her advantage to consult with an experienced Michigan sex crime attorney. In cases where the evidence is overwhelming and a conviction is almost a guarantee, it is often advantageous to the defendant to plead guilty to lesser charges. As in this case, a guilty plea may result in reduced prison time.

That being said, there are many occasions on which the evidence is weak or non-existent. When someone is falsely accused of sexual assault, child molestation, or other related behavior, it is critical to protect your innocence and good name. In these instances, going to trial is the only way to prove your innocence unless evidence is introduced prior to trial that proves you did not commit the crime. Regardless of the situation, in order to obtain the best possible outcome it is vital to discuss your case with a seasoned sex crime defense lawyer in Michigan.

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